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Charting America’s Course as a Free and Independent Nation

Darrell Castle has been addressing political issues and current events on The Castle Report since 2011. Many of the issues listed here are from Castle Report episodes and include both audio and transcript versions. You can view a complete listing of Castle Report episodes by topic here

(Go here for a complete list of all campaign issues)

Why the U.S. Must Leave the U.N.


un2Today I am going to give an account of why I believe the United States should withdraw from membership in the United Nations. As a presidential candidate, I have made this one of the cornerstones of my campaign. read more…

Islamic Terror – A Little History


islamic-invasion-of-america-e1443025562634Today is Friday, April 1, 2016, and that makes today April Fools’ Day. There are certainly enough fools in the world today to go around, but today we are going to discuss terrorism and the foolish politicians and policies that have allowed it to flourish, read more…

The Destruction of Western Civilization: Rule By A Tiny Elite


CR-web-RulingElite-e1455316518529Hello, this is Darrell Castle! Today, we are going to continue – and also conclude – our six-week-long discussion of Western Civilization: how it met with destruction, what that means for us today, and, if it is gone, what has replaced it?

read more…

Destruction of Western Civilization: The End of Cash


CR-web-CashlessAmerica-270pHello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s discussion. We are continuing our series on Western Civilization, its destruction, and what that means for us today.

read more…

Destruction of Western Civilization: Financialization


cashlessmonopoloy275pHello! This is Darrell Castle. Today we’re going to continue our discussion of western civilization and how it met its demise. Today’s discussion will deal primarily with another one of the chief weapons that those who read more…

Destruction of Western Civilization: Depopulation


DepopulationHello! Today I’m continuing our discussion of Western civilization, how it met its demise, and what that means for us today. To do that, we’re going to be talking about one of the primary weapons used by those who seek Western civilization’s destruction. read more…

Destruction of Western Civilization: The Common Law


commonlaw-e1452887946729Hello! This is Darrell Castle. Today we’re going to continue our discussion of “how the rule of law in Western civilization met its demise in the west, and how that’s a terrible thing from which the United States may never recover.”

I was going to use the president’s State of the Union read more…

Destruction of Western Civilization: The President’s Gun Speech


obama-gun-control-460x259-e1452288010696Hello! This is Darrell Castle. Today, I will begin a discussion of Western civilization, how its destruction happened, and what that means for us in today’s world. As a backdrop for what has happened to the rule of law in America, I will use the President’s recent speech that he made on guns. read more…

State Banks

Bank200pPart of the solution to America’s Economic Problems?

Virtually every problem that we face in America can be traced back to our current monetary system, set up in 1913 with the passage of the 16th Amendment and the creation of the Federal Reserve System. It has been over 100 years of chaos, war, depression, recession, and boom/bust economics. read more…